Even this little friend is going to be able to be in the driver's seat |
#5 Saving Time
Doing things like working, having a manicure or even doing the naughty so you don't have to wait until you are home.
#4 Sharing
You will be able to share your car in different ways. Go from home to work, then send the car back home to pick up your spouse. After that, the car will park itself, charge and get ready to do everything again at 4 pm. Your night life will also be improved.
#3 The New Traveling Experience
Traveling is never going to be the same. Now you can do a 5 hour trip from Madrid to Valencia while sleeping, eating, mixing mojitos, watching the landscape or having fun with your friends.
A door to unlimited options |
#2 A Digital Media Powerhouse
Program the car to show you around in a new city. Have a windscreen with augmented reality. Have Netflix, Pandora, iTunes, Movies, DirecTV and video games.
#1 No more traffic lights
Imagine that all cars are driven by robots. No more reckless driving, no crazy passing and no honking. Traffic lights will become redundant as all cars will coordinate among themselves and decide the most efficient path.
If you think that we are missing any amazing features, please let us know about it in the comment section!
Just a Matter of Time Until Robot Tanks